
Looking for A New Hair System Supplier?

The news of Hair Direct's closure shocked everyone in the hair system industry. It’s hard for us to accept the fact that a brand we are familiar with has shut down forever. At the same time we have learnt from their previous customers their steady decline in quality and customer service in the past few years which lead to a sudden closure eventually. 

Though HairDirect shutted down nearly 4 months ago, there are still thousands of hair system customers just found out that they are not going to get the next new system they prepiadand a refund does not seems promising.

What does the closing of this long-standing company mean for all their old customers? Most of them are out of money and time and have been forced to find new hair system vendor to order their future hair systems in limited time. The most asked questions we are getting are: How can I trust you? How long will it take?

Here at ReHair System we are offering discounts and rush deliveries for hairdirect customers. If you’re a former hair direct customer we are so sorry for the loss and frustration that you are experiencing and we hope that you know you can reach out to our agents to help you out with any of your hair system needs. 

hair system supplier

We are also glad to announce that here at ReHair System we are back to pre-pandemic inventory levels and our custom-made orders are coming back twice as fast as they were during the pandemic.

stock hair systems

We genuinely believe that we can accommodate a lot of what you’re missing right now and we know for a fact that we can be a tremendous solution to your current problem.

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