
Custom Made Women Hair Topper

Front Contour Shape                                                         Hair Direction

Our custom ordering options allow us not only offer our customers elegance in their looks but also affordability as well!
We take careful craftsmanship very seriously here - each product is created using 100% human hair and ensures top quality and we can make your dream head come true today!

We'll get back to you with the price once we receive your request of quote.

Custom and Ready-to-Wear Hair Systems Comparison

Custom Hair Systems



Common specifications

Custom-fit to your head, any shape

Limited sizes

Choice of densities

Limit density available

Choice of hair length

6-inch hair length

Choice of curl and wave

Limit wave pattern available

Custom hair colors, blends, and highlights

Limited colors, some/gray blend

Cut, styling, and blending included in cost

Additional cost for cut, styling, and blending