
Attaching Your Hair System for the First Time

Congratulations on moving forward on your journey to take control of your hair replacement. After much preparation, it’s now time to attach your hair system for the first time! This is a big turning point for you, and you should feel proud of having come this far.

It’s normal to experience a spectrum of emotions. While you’re attaching your system, try to remain focused on your end goal: to have a full head of hair again! Here we share some insights to help you prepare for your first attachment, and any emotional stumbling blocks you may encounter.

**Warning:** Please read the following before proceeding with your first attachment.

Acknowledge your emotions

Welcome to your first bonded attachment! There are many emotions that may arise as you prepare to attach your hair system for the first time. Among these may be grief over the loss of your growing hair. These emotions are normal; acknowledge them, take a breath and let them pass. Undoubtedly, you have spent a great deal of emotional energy on your hair loss. Now that stress can begin to be relieved as you refocus on a head of hair that will give you a fresh start and bring your confidence back. Remember to keep calm and breathe through this process.

We are available at any point if you have questions or need some guidance. If you’re feeling nervous or uncertain, it’s helpful to take some time and remind yourself why you chose to do this, and what benefits lie ahead.

For many people — especially women — shaving your head is the scariest part of this process. This can be highly emotional. Even though shaving your head isn’t something that comes naturally, over time, the process of shaving becomes less dramatic and a regular part of your hair maintenance. Whether you emotionally struggle through this process the first few times, or are excited to do it so you can move forward, we can assure you that your feelings are normal.

Allow ample time

Allow yourself at least three hours to prepare your first hair system, shave your head, and attach your system. If your hair is long, add an extra hour. You will likely be nervous, and possibly emotional, so allow yourself some recovery time to relax as well. It’s best not to plan on being anywhere immediately following your first attachment, or even the same day. It’s important you don’t feel rushed, and have a period of emotional adjustment, as well as time to become acclimated to your new hair.

If you need help

You are not alone on this journey. If you have questions at any point during the process, or need help logistically or emotionally, we’re here for you. If you have someone helping you, like a friend or a stylist, we are happy to speak to them as well.
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