
Front Hairline Design

One of the most important elements of hair replacement is the appearance of your front hairline. With a realistic hairline, your hair system will be undetectable. This is especially important if you wear your hair combed back or pulled back. If you have bangs, or a hairstyle that is combed forward, you don’t need to be as concerned about your front hairline, but it’s still important to know how to achieve the most natural look.

As you’ll learn, it isn’t always necessary to remove your growing front hairline to wear a hair system. Keeping a usable front hairline helps create a very natural appearance. We can also re-create a very realistic-looking hairline if you need one.

Using your growing front hairline

If you have a healthy front hairline, we recommend attaching your hair system behind it for the most seamless appearance. For the most natural look, match the density in the frontal zone of your system to your growing hairline. Since your growing hair will be mostly covered, you can order a density slightly higher than your own for bangs or forward-brushed hairstyles, if you feel this will help improve the appearance.

Depending on your base material, your growing hairline can be as deep as 1/4 inch and still cover the edge of the system. You may use as much of your front hairline as possible, but unless it’s very dense, more than 1/2 inch can be difficult to blend.

Because your growing hairline naturally increases in density, you don’t need a Invisible front hairline built into your hair system.

What is a Invisible Hairline?

We want to ensure that your front hairline looks very natural. To accomplish this, very fine hairs are subtly hand-tied in a random pattern and gradually increase in density. The first few millimeters of the Invisible Hairline are random and there’s a subtle graduation into your normal density level. In lace and monofilament bases styles, the knots are bleached to lighten their appearance, making the front hairline have a very natural appearance and the hair looks like it’s growing from your scalp.

hair system invisible hairline
Let your hair replacement consultant know if you’re keeping your growing front hairline, so a invisible hairline is not ventilated into the front of your system. Because the system will sit behind your hairline, it needs full density along the edge.

Re-creating your front hairline

Determining recession

Both men and women experience hairline “recession.” This is the softening (thinning) of the front hairline and its shape with age, not just the deep “V” shape seen on men as they begin to lose their hairline.

You can easily determine the type of recession you have by following the line where your soft facial tissue meets the hard cranial tissue. 

If you’re having difficulty determining the shape and level of recession along your hairline, use the frontal guides provided below.
hairpiece front hairline
Each frontal guide is a different shape; to determine which one is right for you, place each guide where you’d like your hairline to begin. Choose the shape that fits best, and we'll make the front of your hair system match that shape. 

Invisible Hairline

Even when growing hair is thick, the front hairline begins with fine hairs that gradually increase in thickness and density. We also bleach the knots to make them a shade or two lighter for better blending. For added realism, consider requesting a slightly lighter color along the edge of the front hairline.

Front hairline “recolor”

For ultimate realism, We can utilize a process known as “recoloring” when making your hair system. Recoloring makes knots virtually disappear along the front hairline and/or front break/part of lace and thin skin systems. Whereas knot bleaching inherently limits hair to lighten only a shade or two, recoloring is a process in which blond hair is ventilated into the front hairline (about an inch back from the front) and/or in the part/break areas that are exposed with brushed-back styles. That hair is then colored to match the rest of the system, avoiding the base and knots. In this way, knots in these areas are totally invisible, and the exposed hairline appears incredibly natural.

Base material

If any part of your system’s hairline is going to be exposed and visible, it’s best to choose a very fine base material, such as lace or thin skin. When properly attached, these materials will be undetectable with an exposed hairline.

For the most realistic look

If your system has a light density and your hairline is exposed, liquid adhesive is the best attachment choice, because it allows the base to disappear into the skin instead of sit on top of the skin, as with tape attachments. Liquid adhesives also tend to have less shine when compared with tape.

Additionally, because airborne dirt and dust easily sticks to the adhesive along the edge of the front hairline, be sure to clean your front hairline every few days to maintain a natural appearance.

Long hair

If you plan to wear your hair pulled back

Anytime hair is pulled back, such as during combing or with certain hairstyles — like a ponytail — it places tension on the front hairline. If you’re not using your growing hairline, the ongoing tension will cause premature lifting, likely requiring you to reattach your front hairline every few days.

If you plan to wear bangs

Whether covering your forehead or swept to the side, wearing long or short bangs will allow you to be much less concerned about your front hairline. If you’re new to wearing hair, bangs help make the transition easier, as you don’t have to worry so much about the front hairline becoming exposed.

Short hair

If you plan to comb your hair back

When not using your growing hairline, wearing a brushed-back style on a daily basis will cause premature lifting, likely requiring you to reattach the front every few days.

If you plan to comb your hair forward

Wearing bangs or combing your hair forward to cover the front will allow you to be much less concerned about your front hairline. Because you aren’t continually combing the hair back, your attachment will last longer.
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