Basic Color Numbering
- Numbers range from #1 to #60
- Higher numbers = Lighter colors
- Lower numbers = Darker colors
- #1 is the darkest shade
- #60 is the lightest shade
Gray Hair Blending System
The color code for gray-blended shades uses a two-part numbering system:
- First digit: Base color level
- Last two digits: Percentage of gray hair
- #210: Dark brown (level 2) with 10% gray hair
- #220: Dark brown (level 2) with 20% gray hair
- #330: Medium brown (level 3) with 30% gray hair
"R" Modifier System
The letter "R" indicates a lighter variation of the base color:
- When "R" follows a number, it means one shade lighter than the base
- Example: 4R = Medium brown (level 4) lightened by one shade