
The ReHair 0.03mm Ultra Thin Skin Hair System

The ReHair 0.02mm - 0.03mm ultra thin skin hair system ( including custom unit) is made with our thinnest and most delicate polyurethane base material. This provides a very natural, undetectable look; however, it needs to be handled with the utmost care.

If you plan to wear it again, it’s important to be extremely careful during removal, as the base is very delicate and tears easily. If you don't plan on wearing it again, you don't need to be as careful with the system, but do be gentle on your scalp to avoid irritation.

Adjust A-Bond

Step 1: Locate the back edge

Find the back center edge of your hair system. It’s important to start with the back of the system so you don’t damage the delicate front hairline. Once you find the edge, grab it between your thumb and index finger and begin separating the system from your scalp.

Step 2: Release the back edge

Spray some Adjust A-Bond under the back edge of the system where you began separating it from your scalp. Make sure to spray upwards, so it penetrates under the edge. This will begin to release the system from your scalp.

Step 3: Remove the system

Begin to pull up the edge of the base with your thumb and index finger. As you lift the system, continue to spray Adjust A-Bond under the base with your other hand, letting it work to release the bond. Continue in this manner until the system is released from your head. Take your time! If you force it, you may damage your skin and/or the base.
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